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RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association Announces Comprehensive and Inclusive Model Benefits for Family Building Options

First-ever model benefits available from leading advocacy group working to remove barriers to family building.

(New Orleans, LA, October 16, 2023) RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association is proud to announce the first-ever comprehensive and inclusive model benefits for family building. Experts in reproductive medicine, third-party reproduction, and adoption have vetted these benefits that are the most comprehensive and inclusive.

RESOLVE urges employers to use these model benefits when creating benefit plans for their employees. All too often, employer sponsored healthcare coverage and benefits leave out important benefit details making it even harder for those challenged in building a family to access the options they need the most.

Most employers don’t realize there is a gap in their benefits until it’s brought to their attention,” said RESOLVE’s Chief Engagement Officer, Betsy Campbell. “Our Model Benefits remind employers that families are built in many ways, and that all employees deserve access to the family building options they need, whether they are in opposite- or same gender-oriented relationships or want to be single parents.

RESOLVE’s Model Benefits for Family Building include IVF, fertility preservation, surrogacy, and adoption and are now a part of RESOLVE’s Coverage at Work Employer Toolkit. This free resource is available to HR and Benefits professionals looking to add inclusive family building insurance coverage and benefits for their employees. The toolkit also includes a study by Mercer showing no significant increase in cost to employers providing such benefits as well as other data on higher job satisfaction and loyalty among employees.

Since its inception in 2016, RESOLVE’s Coverage at Work program has brought new and expanded benefits to more than 3.5 million employees. And in most cases, it’s because an employee at the company educated themselves through RESOLVE’s program and then asked for the coverage from their employer. A companion Coverage at Work toolkit for employees is also available at

As the leading patient advocacy group focused on increasing access to all family building options, we’re so proud to launch these new model benefits at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s Annual Scientific Congress and Expo in New Orleans. Thousands of family building professionals from all over the world gather here to learn from each other and we want them to know we’re setting the standard for family building coverage and benefits for the people we serve,” said RESOLVE’s President/CEO, Barbara Collura.

Highlights of the model benefits include coverage for:

  • Infertility diagnosis and treatment, including intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Fertility preservation for risk of infertility and fertility preservation for reproductive aging and other causes
  • Reimbursement for surrogacy, including medical, legal and other expenses
  • Reimbursement for adoption, including agency, legal and other expenses

For more information, please visit RESOLVE spokespeople and community members are available for interviews. RESOLVE’s Model Benefits for Family Building can be provided to the media upon request.

About RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association:  Established in 1974, RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association is a non-profit organization with the only established, nationwide network mandated to promote reproductive health and to ensure equal access to all family building options for all people who struggle to build a family. One in six people globally will experience infertility, while one in seven women in the U.S. have trouble getting pregnant. RESOLVE addresses this public health issue by providing community to those impacted, connecting them with others who can help, empowering them to find resolution and giving voice to their demands for access to all family building options. For more information, visit