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RESOLVE Statement on COVID-19
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association exists to create a community and provide support for all people who struggle to build a family—it’s always been about ensuring the well-being of our community. For more than 40 years, in all issues concerning medical care and treatment, RESOLVE’s message to patients has been consistent: Your medical care is between you and your doctor. Talk to your doctor. Ask your doctor questions. Seek guidance on your medical care from your healthcare team. Be your own best advocate.
Our commitment is to support patients in their interactions with their doctors by providing support, information, questions to ask, and resources. Likewise, patients come to RESOLVE to share their experiences – positive and negative. As the voice of the patient, RESOLVE serves as an important bridge to doctors, policy makers, companies, government agencies, and medical societies. We are honored to be the voice of the patient and view that as our highest responsibility.
While we are not experts on medical care, we are experts on support and want to support patients through every challenge they face. RESOLVE remains committed to making sure everyone struggling to build a family has access to our support programs and resources, so in response to these uncertain times, we’re bringing together experts on topics that matter right now. We encourage those in need of answers to difficult questions and extra support to visit our COVID-19 Support Resource Center on Our message to patients remains “You are not alone.”