Professional Directory
For nearly 20 years, patients, fertility physicians, employers and insurers have trusted WINFertility to make quality IVF treatment more affordable. We are now revolutionizing access to the PGS and PGD testing that can improve IVF success rates by as much as 23% over IVF without PGS or, test embryos for over 500 specific gene disorders.
Bundles save you up to 40% off WINFertilityGenetics bundles for PGS, PGD or both cover all the costs and can save as much as 40% less than unbundled services. Genetics bundles include lab tests, biopsy, shipping of the frozen samples and genetic counseling before and after the test. All genetic testing is performed by Reproductive Genetic Innovations (RGI) the world renowned pioneer in genetic testing for more than 25 years.