Professional Directory
Theresa L. Roetter
Family Formation” is the umbrella under which Theresa Roetter provides assisted reproduction and adoption services to her clients. One of just a handful of attorneys in Wisconsin with this combination of practice areas, Theresa’s practice is state-wide and her clients come from Wisconsin, other U.S. States, and many foreign countries.
Theresa drafts and negotiates gestational surrogacy agreements as well as sperm, egg, and embryo donation agreements and has established parentage in many Wisconsin counties. She works closely with other attorneys, surrogacy matching agencies, and psychologists to ensure that all parties are well informed as they begin their surrogacy journey.
As the child of an adopted parent, adoption has been part of Theresa’s life story. She feels privileged to assist others in making their adoption plans and has worked with birth parents, adoptive parents and adoption agencies throughout the state.
Theresa Roetter was honored as an “Angel in Adoption” by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute in 2012. Angels in Adoption provides a unique opportunity for Members of Congress to honor an individual or entity that has made an extraordinary contribution on behalf of children in need of homes. Just a few weeks later, Theresa was honored by the Wisconsin governor as a “Champion of Adoption.