Professional Directory
Sara Rector, LMFT
Circle of Life Counseling Center
501 Marin St., Suite 114
If you are struggling to cope with feelings of frustration, loss, and relationship challenges that can result in difficulty with conceiving or from the difficult process of going through infertility treatments, Sara Rector, LMFT can offer you caring and guided support.
Having personally experienced infertility and its effects, we have developed a unique program that will help you feel more empowered, in control, and at peace with the options, decisions, and challenges you may be facing.
We can help you increase your clarity about your choices and options. This can be done in our office or over the phone, depending on your specific needs, location, and preferences.
Having traveled this road personally and with hundreds of women and couples over the past 15 years, we can help guide you down the path to parenthood. We will be there to support you through the roller coaster ride and help you explore and access all the options available to you.
Sara Rector has developed a specialized treatment plan for people going through infertility procedures that uses positive imagery and intention. This can help you feel more empowered, more in control, and at peace.
She has also helped people heal pregnancy loss by developing personalized treatment plans.