Current Legislation
Indiana Bill: H.B. 1379
Modifies the definition of "human being" in the criminal code to include an unborn child. Removes applicability language concerning certain abortions in the wrongful death or injury of a child statutes. Clarifies the duress defense relating to culpability. Repeals the section that provides that the homicide chapter does not apply to certain abortions. Removes language from the murder, manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter statutes regarding intentionally killing a fetus. Repeals the crime of feticide. Repeals the section that concerns the applicability of certain crimes related to abortion, the termination of a pregnancy, or the killing of a fetus. Provides that the homicide and battery chapters apply to a victim who is an unborn child.
Does RESOLVE Support or Oppose?
RESOLVE opposes this bill.
Current Status:
This bill was introduced, read for the first time, and was referred to the Committee on Courts and Criminal Code on 01/10/2024.
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