Progesterone and Pregnancy: A Vital Connection
All women who wish to become pregnant need progesterone to help their uterus prepare for and maintain a pregnancy. Read below to learn more about the important connection between progesterone and how it impacts both fertility and pregnancy.
Why should I care about Progesterone?
Because it’s kind of a big deal and this is why: Progesterone, also referred to as “the pregnancy hormone,” is a common female hormone found naturally in a woman’s body. It also happens play an essential role for both before and during a pregnancy. When a fertility workup is suggested, there are two main sex hormones an overseeing medical provider will look test: estrogen and progesterone.
Progesterone (as a prescribed hormone supplementation) is often necessary during Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures, such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Partly because the medications you may use during these procedures can suppress your body’s ability to produce progesterone. Certain procedures can even, unintentionally, remove progesterone-producing cells from your ovaries.
Sometimes, there are other reasons to use progesterone supplementation, such as little or no progesterone production from the ovaries or poorly developed follicles that do not secrete enough progesterone to develop the uterine lining.
The bottom line is this — all women who wish to become pregnant need progesterone to help their uterus prepare for and maintain a pregnancy. Read below to learn more about the important connection between progesterone and how it impacts both fertility and pregnancy.