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Important Minnesota Fertility Bill Update
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association and the Minnesota Building Families Coalition are extremely disappointed that the HHS Omnibus Finance Bill in the Minnesota legislature does not include a provision to help build Minnesota families. The fertility provision from Senate bill, SF 2995, would have opened access to 680,000 Minnesotans for diagnosis and treatment of infertility, including coverage for the LGBTQ+ community and cancer patients who also need medical intervention to build their families.
Given that the Conference Committee deliberations were not public, we do not know why this provision was left out, particularly since there would have been no cost to the state of Minnesota. Our hearts break for the Minnesotans who are struggling to build their families and will have to wait another year as we go back to the legislature in 2024 to advocate for this coverage.
We thank our champions in the legislature, Senator Erin Maye Quade and Representative Jeff Brand, and call on all Minnesotans to join us as we continue to push for pro-family legislation in the Minnesota state legislature.