Finding A Resolution for Infertility Support Community Recommendations

Diagnosed with infertility? Join the discussion and find the answers and support you need. The Finding a Resolution for Infertility Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support, information, and inspiration. Topics covered include:

  • Adoption
    Thinking about adoption? Going through the adoption process? Connect with others and share your experience.
  • Advocacy
    The latest in advocacy. Exchange ideas and discuss the challenges of advocacy.
  • Financial Issues
    Share tips on where to go for help and resources and ideas for getting financial assistance.
  • Friends and Family
    Do you have a loved one affected by infertility? Connect with others and find ways you can help them through their family building journey and beyond.
    Having trouble dealing with your diagnosis?
  • Infertility after 40
    Infertility after 40 can present unique challenges.  Connect with others of the same age and share your story.
  • Insurance Issues
    Share information and resources related to insurance concerns here.
  • IUI/IVF and high-tech procedures
    Connect with others going through treatment. Find a cycle buddy.
  • IVF Veterans
    Have you already been through 2 or more IVF cycles? If so connect with your fellow veterans and share information here.
  • Living without Children
    Thinking of living without children as a way to resolve your infertility? Find information and support here.
  • Male Perspective
    This discussion board is where we hope men find a place to connect with others and get their most difficult questions answered.   Feel like you can’t tell your partner everything? Need a place to work things out? Are you looking for answers?
  • Newly diagnosed
    Help for the newly diagnosed. Discuss what to expect, where to look for help, and how to cope with different emotional issues relating to your infertility diagnosis.
  • Pregnancy Loss
    Don’t know where to turn? You may find the support you need by sharing your feelings with others.
  • Research
    RESOLVE will post opportunities to participate in important research studies.
  • Secondary Infertility
    Already have children, but are having difficulty fulfilling your family building dreams? Share your hopes, doubts, and questions with others experiencing secondary infertility.
  • Seeking Treatment outside the US
    Are you considering going overseas for your infertility treatment? Connect with others who are getting treatment abroad and learn where to go and what to expect.
  • Taking a Break
    Stay connected while hanging out with others taking a break from infertility treatment or pursuing other options.
  • Third Party Reproduction
    Questions about building your family via egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation or donors and surrogacy? Is it for you? Share your thoughts and questions here.
  • Volunteers
    Interested in volunteering? Connect with other RESOLVE volunteers and share your ideas.
  • Walk of Hope
    Are you participating in a RESOLVE DIY Walk of Hope? If so connect with fellow participants here and share your plans for the day.
  • What’s Happening at RESOLVE
    RESOLVE has so many exciting new events, and support groups going on that we just have to tell you about it. Check back often to get updates!

Community Recommendations:

Keep in mind this community boards are first and foremost to support those struggling with infertility, please be thoughtful and sensitive in how and what you post.

We look forward to each community member’s positive pregnancy test or adoption announcement (please use “GOOD MENTS” in the title of your post), however questions or discussions about pregnancy or parenting after adoption should be posted in the “Expecting” or “Parenting After Adoption” groups in the Living After Infertility Community.  This community will give you support and advice as you continue your journey into parenthood.

Once you receive a positive pregnancy test you are welcome to give support and information in the Finding a Resolution for Infertility Community. Please only mention your pregnancy when it’s appropriate in response to someone else’s questions. Please do NOT use charged words such as “pregnant”, “beta” and “BFP.” If you do mention your pregnancy/children then please properly label that segment of your message with the appropriate MENTS and END MENTS.

Example: I had ABC problem and treated it with XYZ. MENTS: It was successful and I now have 3 month old twins. END MENTS.

Other general community recommendations:

  • Vitriol and angry post responses will not be tolerated. This board is for support not bashing.
  • NO judgment is to be passed on anyone who has successfully conceived or adopted and she is TTC or adopt again. Infertility hurts. Secondary infertility is very real. Please be compassionate. Adoption is a trying process and should not be dismissed as easy because it was done successfully the first time
  • If someone forgets MENTS gently remind him/her. MENTS are to be used to note when content of the post might be too sensitive to read.

Infertility is painful, no matter where you are in the struggle. Please do not bash or flame people who have had a faster journey, or more success in resolving it than you. For those who have had a faster journey or previous success (are dealing with Secondary Infertility) please be sensitive and use the rules and guidelines listed above when talking about your children.  If you feel that someone is violating the rules and guidelines of this community then please report that post.

Please contact RESOLVE at if you have questions or comments about these recommendations.