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DC Law Expands Health Insurance Coverage To Include Fertility Diagnosis, Treatment
Published by The Hilltop. Read the full article.
The Expanding Access to Fertility Treatment Amendment Act, as proposed by at-large council member Christina Henderson, to address fertility coverage issues across the District.
Washington D.C. passed a law to expand healthcare coverage to include fertility diagnosis screenings and treatment for women who reside in the city earlier this month. The Expanding Access to Fertility Treatment Amendment Act of 2023 was proposed by Christina Henderson, the District’s at-large council member and health committee chair.
As women across the city experience varying and unequal access to fertility and maternal health resources, Henderson became inspired to create the bill, which just passed congressional review, after a conversation with a friend who experienced infertility.
This friend was Maya Martin Cadogan, who had to choose between purchasing her family home or undergoing expensive in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.