Tracie Sullivan

Tracie Sullivan

Tracie Sullivan joined RESOLVE after spending several years in the non-profit industry working on healthcare advocacy and volunteer management. Tracie has worked with hundreds of advocates across the United States in her roles at the United Nations Foundation, the COPD Foundation, and New Futures to tackle issues of healthcare coverage and support for global childhood vaccines, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, early childhood initiatives and Medicaid expansion policies. Tracie received a BA in Spanish from Gordon College and a MA in Community Development and Planning from Clark University.

As RESOLVE’S Grassroots Outreach Manager, Tracie works with the amazing RESOLVE volunteer community on state and federal family building issues and trains advocates on how to take action and connect with their elected officials. Tracie also manages RESOLVE state and federal advocacy days and educates advocates on effective ways to tell their stories, write to their elected officials, issue state proclamations, and develop versatile advocacy skillsets. She can be reached directly at